A few words about us
The ΚΟΙΝ.Σ.ΕΠ. "SITHONIAS MONOPATIA" is a social cooperative enterprise of collective and social benefit that was founded in 2019 in accordance with the provisions of Law 4430/2016 "Social and Solidarity Economy and development of institutions and other provisions". It is registered in the Register of Social Entrepreneurship with Α.Γ.Ε.Μ.Κ.Ο: 000161203091 and ΑΦΜ 997383970, Δ.Ο.Υ. Polygyrou.
It emerged as a ripe fruit of a four-year effort of the N. MARMARA WALKING GROUP, with the inspiration and passion mainly of its women to create a large network of historical trails in the Municipality of Sithonia, which will connect all the villages of the Municipality, as it happened in the past.
So we have opened and signaled about 15 hiking routes in Dragoudelis, around the settlements of N. Marmaras and Parthenon and we continue to detect others. We enjoy them but also many other residents of the wider area, because they are beautiful, they are a product of collective effort, because we created them with our own hands and the assistance of many volunteers.
The paths run through pine forests, mainly forests with rich bush vegetation, many streams with small waterfalls, natural stone sculptures and a panoramic view of either Toroneos or Siggitikos Gulf. The mapping of the routes has already been achieved by a Forester who collaborates with the Municipality of Sithonia. Our next goal is the National or European certification of our paths and the creation of a digital application with all the routes.
Our goal is to really become known to Greek and European hikers in order to develop the area for tourism. In achieving this goal we have the material and moral support of the Municipality of Sithonia and we thank the Mayor and Municipal Councilors.
- Come to the Municipal Department of Neos Marmaras.
- Let's walk together.
- Become a member of SITHONIA TRAILS.
- Become our volunteers.
- Become part of the beauty of Sithonia.
- We are waiting for you.
Governing Committee 2020- 2022
President: Tzimou Irini
Secretary: Gavriilidou Afroditi
Cashier: Litvinova Inna
Members: Kournaki Zinovia
Enotiadi Natalia
Alternate Members:
Koutsogiannis Nikolaos
Bodouri Simela (Melina)
Register of Members
The registered members of Koin.S.Ep. to date amount to 42. You can download the file with the names of members below .
Email: trails@sithonia-trails.gr
Follow us on facebook: ΠΕΡΙΠΑΤΗΤΙΚΗ ΟΜΑΔΑ Ν. ΜΑΡΜΑΡΑ